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Realistic Grizzly Bear Costume “Karluk”

Created with Sketch.

Introducing: Karluk the realistic Grizzly Bear costume!

In need of something ‘grizzly’ for your next project? 

We can help you with that!

Karluk is the perfect choice for any event in need of a Grizzly Bear…

Is Karluk what you’re looking for? 

  • Stands at 5’75 – 6’3 feet (175 – 190cm)
  • Realistically Detailed Claws and Paw Pads
  • 2 Choices of Head to Suit Your Needs! (See Below!)

Standard Head

  • Performer Controlled Cable-Mech Opening / Closing Mouth
  • Placeable Eyelids To Simulate Sleeping
  • Non-Moving Nose, Ears, and Lips

Animatronic Head [Advanced] 

  • Performer Controlled Opening / Closing Mouth
  • Placeable Eyelids To Simulate Sleeping
  • Extra Facial Movements Controlled by External Puppeteer:
  • Radio Controlled Ear Movement
  • Radio Controlled Nose / Upper Lip Movement


  • Additional matched costume can allow Karluk to walk on all-fours

For other locations, please contact us to discuss availability!

To help you get the most out of Karluk, when you choose this Grizzly Bear Costume, we also provide you with a specialist performer and assistant*

This ensures you get the very best performance from our Grizzly Bear, so you can concentrate on the rest of your shoot!

Karluk is perfect for all your TV, Film, Marketing, and other event needs! Scroll down to see some clips and photos of Karluk in action!

…And it’s a lot easier to work with than a real one!

Interested in hiring Karluk?

Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with your project!

Contact Us Today

Don’t go full mama bear! Mama Bear Legal Forms!

Lots of bear action in this creative ad campaign for Mama Bear Legal Forms.

This is the whole series of commercials as one video created during our two-day shoot in Salt Lake City. The ads will appear as 15 & 30 second clips.

Fun fact, Karluk was very happy working the in the 9º f exterior scenes.

When our Grizzly Bear Finds Emily Atack 

This was an exceptionally fun shoot in the forest with Emily Atack for her own comedy show ‘The Emily Atack Show’ which was filmed and broadcast in the UK during 2021. Our realistic bear featured in SE2 – EP1 “Holidays” as seen in the video. Feel free to start the video from the beginning if you would like to see the entire 2 minute segment.

As comedic as this scene was intended, we could not help wondering what the walkers and jogger were thinking as the came across this filming unexpectedly.

Hey Karluk! Hands off the honey!

Our very first trip to Turkey brought us to the legendary city of Istanbul, (Not Constantinople) for an especially sweet shoot…

Much to Karluk’s delight, we were filming a commercial for Balparmak honey!

Karluk did a great job helping create the formula that makes those little sachets so irresistible!

It’s hard to tell with that counter in the way, but the glamorous Turkish spokeswoman towered over nearly everyone else in the studio…

…except Karluk of course, who wasn’t intimidated in the slightest!

Our grizzly friend was more than up for the task – even with a significant language barrier – delivering a truly WILD performance that everyone loved! Working with TERfilm on this shoot was a real pleasure!

The footage was later complemented by a hive of animated bees, as you can see in the video!

6 Commercials in 3 Days? Impossible!

…but not for Karluk!

This next adventure took us to Ecuador in South America.

And yes: We really did manage 6 different commercials in just 3 days!

It was a lot of work, but it was tons of fun! 

Karluk certainly isn’t used to driving a speed boat, but I think you’ll agree we pulled it off. Keep an eye out for Karluk at a watersports event near you! 

The Spanish caption means: Put the power of the bear in it…

Needless to say we 100% delivered on “bear power”

The agency for Golden Bear Lubricants was a wonderful production client to work with – and we were fortunate to be invited back to work with them again a few years later!

Karluk meets the Chicago Bears

Karluk puts his formidable back into quarterbacking!

We worked with Glaceau Vitamin Water to create Bears Training Camp: A place to put the Chicago bears – and a few real ones – through their paces.

I bet you’ve never seen bears tackling each other, or tossing a football around before!

We filmed several adverts here, including this one featuring the Chicago Bears’ Brian Urlacher.

He’s a braver man than most to mess with Karluk – even if it is in the dressing room and not out on the field!

Karluk may not be joining the NFL anytime soon, but we think the final result looks great!

This shoot contained some incredibly challenging stunts, which included very real tackles as well as boating onto a lake.

*Please note that our Realistic Grizzly Bear Costume comes as a PACKAGE: Karluk is ONLY available with our professional actors / operators.

Is Karluk the bear for the job?

Get in touch and tell us about your project!

Contact Us Today

See Our Demo Reel!