Realistic Animal Costumes & Props for Film, TV & Events
Our Realistic Animal Costumes page includes a variety of photo-realistic costumes, Animatronic Costumes and Puppets suitable for Film, Commercial Television, Reality TV, Live Shows and Events.
All our costumes come with experienced suit actors and on set coordinators / assistants ensuring perfect fit and performance. We do not rent costumes. Union and Buyout options available.
Bronson – Realistic Black Bear Costume
Need a realistic looking bear with jet-black fur for your next project?
We can help you with that!
Although black bears are America’s smallest species of bear (compared to the Polar Bear and the Grizzly Bear) they still have BIG personalities to offer!
That’s why we know that Bronson is perfect for any commercial or project set in the American wilderness – or anywhere for that matter!
Is Bronson what you’re looking for?
- Stands at approximately 5’11 to 6’2 – 1.8 to 1.88 Meters depending on the actor
- Full-Body Flexibility
- Realistically Detailed Claws and Paw Pads
- Great Paw Dexterity for Interacting with Props
- Internal Mechanical Mouth Movement (Non-Animatronic)

Frostbite – Realistic Polar Bear Costume
Need a touch of the Arctic for your next project?
We can help you with that!
Thanks to Animatronic Bear Studios Inc. you don’t have to venture to the frozen North to find the polar bears you need!
Is Frostbite what you’re looking for?
- Stands at 5’75 – 6’3 feet (175 – 190cm)
- Realistically Detailed Claws and Paw Pads
- Animated Cable-Controlled Opening/Closing Mouth