San Diego, California
+1 (323) 389-7156‬

Refreshing marketing brings results!

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Refreshing marketing brings results!

In May of 2016, our bear “Berwynn” traveled to sunny Vancouver BC for an ad campaign by St. Bernadine Mission Communications.

External shoots in Canada are always a delight and Paradise Valley Campground in Squamish, BC lived up to that tradition. Over 2 days working with a great cast & crew, we made a series of videos and stills for Okanagan Spring’s new craft summer seasonal, Honey Kölsch.

The advertising campaign was an overwhelming success with sales forecasts over 120% of projections and social media engagement up over 200% from the previous year.

The proof is in the pudding, as they say:

realistic animatronic bear costume

A few clips from our involvement with for Okanagan Spring Brewery.

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