When you have the opportunity to shoot a commercial with Penn and Teller…
…you just can’t say no!
We worked closely with Borax Creative Filmmaking to create a playful commercial featuring one of our animatronic friends.
Our grizzly bear Bruno was just as excited to work with the dynamic duo as we were…
…especially since this commercial called for being chained next to Teller in a canoe going over a waterfall!
Check out the roar-some selection of behind-the-scenes pictures shot during this commercial at Penn & Tellers Rio theatre in Las Vegas:
Ok, the waterfall may not have been real…
…but the laughs we had on this shoot didn’t stop flowing!
Between scenes, Bruno enjoyed mimicking Penn’s elastic facial expressions and we heard some fascinating tales about Teller’s hometown in Pennsylvania.
We can’t wait to work with them and Borax Creative again in the future.
Need a bear like Bruno for one of your projects or another type of special effects costume? Check out our website for our full range of services.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
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